12 December 2011

WHOOPEE Wednesdays in December FOR CHARITY

WHOOPEE Wednesdays in December FOR CHARITY
WHOOPEE Wednesdays [The Blue Cafe LBC] December 14, 21, 28
Whoopee Wednesdays will show case a different genre of music each week!!
Every week we'll be accepting CANS OF FOOD and PACKAGED TOYS so bring one and make 
someone's holiday better.
[ALL PROCEDES WILL GO TO http://www.toysfortots.org/

KTG fashion has joined the line up too! We will be accepting CLOTHING DONATIONS for a local shelter!
Let us help those in need to have the happiest Holidays possible.
Much Love and Respect,

KTG_ and Birdie Kuregian for The Long BeachProjects