14 June 2010

In Depth Interview with: Anisa- Rianna D

In Depth Interview with: Anisa- Rianna D
One of the faces for KTG Collection 2, KTG Fashion catches up with Rianna to see exactly what she has been up to...
KTG in depth interview

* KTG Fashion:
Have you always thought of being a model?
Anisa- Rianna D:
No, I used to have low self esteem and would have never imagined I would model.

* KTG:
How did you get into modeling?
A photographer named J.P. wright from my college told me that I would be a wonderful model and shot a few pictures of me after that friends show there friend and that's how I got started.

* KTG:
What do you like most about this profession?

I like taking on different persona's, becoming a completely character each time I shoot...

* KTG:
What are you currently doing in modeling? Is modeling what you imagined, or more than you imagined?
It's more than I imaged it would be.... I've learned its not as easy as it looks!

* KTG:
What are your long term goals regarding being a model?
I hope that I'll get to travel all around the world.

* KTG:
Are you happy with the choices you have made so far?
Ya im pretty happy with them and hopefully I'll have more and more opportunities in the future!
Anisa-Rianna D

Interview Questionnaire:
by Renown Author Star Ananda